Can peanut butter help diagnose Alzheimer’s?
A new study shows promise1
Current techniques for diagnosing Alzheimer’s are expensive and require expertise and equipment that not all doctors have. Scientists at the University of Florida may have found an easier and less expensive test to aid in the diagnosis of the disease.
As weird as it sounds, researchers have studied whether people’s ability to smell peanut butter is associated with their likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s. What they found was pretty interesting.
To learn more about the peanut butter smell test, watch the video below.
It’s important to know that, even though this study shows promise, more research needs to be done to know if the peanut butter smell test truly works. The method still hasn’t been proven to help confirm an Alzheimer’s diagnosis in large numbers of people. If you think you or your loved one may have Alzheimer’s, consult a doctor.